There are two ways of getting to the results of the Literature Search. The "CINAHL" and QH links are available to all Queensland Health staff. You may modify the year range when the citations are displayed in the database. The "PubMed" links are available to the public, and will display in the PubMed version of Medline. You may modify the year range when the citations are displayed in the database.
Systematic |
Randomised |
Clinical Trials |
Clinical |
Delirium |
Falls Prevention |
Hip Fracture |
Incontinence |
Malnutrition |
Neurocognitive Disorders |
Polypharmacy |
Pressure Injuries |
Syncope |
There are two ways of getting to the results of the Literature Search. The "PubMed" links are available to the public, and will display in the PubMed version of Medline. The "CINAHL" and QH links are available to all Queensland Health staff. You may modify the year range when the citations are displayed in the database.
Clinical Trials |
Assessment |
Comorbidity |
Delirium |
Elder abuse |
Falls Prevention |
Incontinence |
Malnutrition |
Neurocognitive Disorders |
Nursing |
Polypharmacy |
Pressure Injuries |
Completed database searches on Frail Elderly. The links are automatically updated when new citations are added to the database.
Completed database searches on Frail Elderly. The links are automatically updated when new citations are added to the database.