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The SIMPLE Approach: SIMPLER Nutrition Pathway and Toolkit

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SIMPLE and SIMPLER Background


Between 2016 and 2021, the Systematised, Interdisciplinary Malnutrition Program for impLementation and Evaluation (SIMPLE) was co-designed, implemented, evaluated, and scaled up across Queensland Health hospital settings. 

Rationale and developmental methodology for the SIMPLE approach: A Systematised, Interdisciplinary Malnutrition Pathway for impLementation and Evaluation in hospitals

Systematised, Interdisciplinary Malnutrition Program for impLementation and Evaluation delivers improved hospital nutrition care processes and patient reported experiences – An implementation study

In 2021, The SIMPLE approach was then adapted to become SIMPLER, as published in the Nutrition Support in Older Adults chapter of the Orthogeriatrics open access textbook, with acknowledgement to Queensland Health.


This LibGuide introduces the next iterative adaptation of the SIMPLE approach, The SIMPLER Pathway for Fragility Fracture Inpatients, for local site tailoring and testing across a number of acute hospitals in difference global settings, with the support of the Fragility Fracture Network.  

This is a 'live' implementation libguide which provides the pathway and a toolkit of resources for educational purposes and local pilot testing. The Pathway and Toolkit resources should not be implemented without locally tailoring to context, and compliance with site-specific clinical governance, policy, procedural, and other requirements. Whilst they have been developed by Queensland Health, they are free to use and adapt under creative commons, with acknowledgement to Queensland Health.




If you would like a copy of the implementation toolkit contact the SIMPLE team (

The SIMPLE team are available at to facilitate implementation in Queensland Health hospitals. If you are using these resources and/or if you have any further suggestions for improvements please also contact us. 

AACTTs - Action, Actor, Context, Target, Time

AACTT examples for local tailoring can be found on the COVID opportunities page

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