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TPCH Library subject guide with information about using EndNote, including training opportunities and online resources.

Exporting from databases

EndNote Export is a process which facilitates the transfer of references from Internet resources directly into EndNote.

For Queensland Health staff, these resources include the databases available via CKN, including MEDLINE, PsycInfo, CINAHL and Embase. It is also possible to export citations directly out of free databases, such as PubMed.

The usual process is to:

  1. Tick the folder or checkbox to add the citation to a list.
  2. Look for an export/save/download option.
  3. Choose .ris as the export format.
  4. Open the .ris file - it should automatically open in EndNote.

You will also find that most journal web sites provide a method for direct export of single citations.

Tip! Make sure to have your EndNote library open before starting to export.
  1. Make sure your EndNote library is open.
  2. Tick the boxes next to the references you want to export or use the Select number of items drop-down to select in bulk.

  1. Click Export.
  2. In the Export record(s) pop-up window, leave the Export Format as the default  (RIS (Mendeley, Endnote)). Click Export.
  3. A new browser tab will open. Wait for the page to fully load, click Download
  4. A new dialog box will ask you to open or save the file-select the Open option. The file will open into your EndNote library.

Google Scholar results can be downloaded to EndNote individually by clicking the cite marks under each record and then selecting the EndNote link at the bottom of the Cite window.

You can also download a list of results at once by adding items to your library. To do this:

  1.  Go to Google Scholar and Sign in to your Google account
  2. Click the stars under each item to to be downloaded
  3. Click on My Library to access the list of selected results
  4. Tick the boxes to select items to download
  5. Click Export and choose EndNote​
  6. The file will then download so it can be opened in EndNote.

Manually adding citations

There are times when you will not be able to import a citation into EndNote and will therefore need to manually enter the required data. Follow these instructions to add a manual reference to EndNote:

The single most important message to take away from the instructions is to select the type of reference (journal article, book chapter, web site, etc.) before you start entering the data. Not selecting the correct type of reference will affect the output of your reference. You don't need to enter information into all of the fields - just enough to describe the resource.

Tip! If you're referencing an organisation, make sure that you put a comma at the end of the name. Otherwise EndNote will think it is a human author and treat as such: