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Learn more about First Nations culture and history this NAIDOC Week through our curated guides of what to watch, listen to and read.

NAIDOC Week 2024 - Blak, Loud and Proud

NAIDOC week 2024

National NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia in the first week of July each year, to celebrate and recognise the history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This year’s theme is Blak, Loud and Proud.

"This year's theme celebrates the unyielding spirit of our communities and invites all to stand in solidarity, amplifying the voices that have long been silenced.

"Blak, Loud and Proud" encapsulates the unapologetic celebration of Indigenous identity, empowering us to stand tall in our heritage and assert our place in the modern world. This theme calls for a reclamation of narratives, an amplification of voices, and an unwavering commitment to justice and equality. It invites all Australians to listen, learn, and engage in meaningful dialogue, fostering a society where the wisdom and contributions of Indigenous peoples are fully valued and respected."

This website collates a wealth of books, podcasts, television shows, and movies by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders peoples, making a great stepping off point to exploring and learning more about the culture, experiences and achievements of First Nations peoples.