Hosted by Mundanara Bayles who was born and raised in Redfern (Sydney) Australia and currently lives in Queensland. The Black Magic Woman Podcast is an uplifting conversational style program featuring mainly First Nations people from Australia and around the world sharing their stories about their journey to highlight the diversity amongst First Nations peoples and the resilience of her people. She hopes these stories inspire her listeners and also create a better understanding of what First Nations Peoples culture and history.
The diverse languages of black Australia from Anmatyerre to Arrernte, from Bidjara to Bundjalung, from Nyungar to Ngaanyatjarra, from Yankunytjatjara to Yorta Yorta — one word at a time.
Yarning Up is hosted by the ever inspiring Caroline Kell. Caroline is a proud Mbarbrum women from Far North Queensland who grew up on Kulin Lands. Yarning Up showcases rich and raw conversations with First Nation's Islander leaders, thinkers, creators, business owners, activists and more. It's purpose is truth telling, to share First Nation's stories first hand. Stories of hope, adversity, resilience, setbacks, grit and excellence. To help all Australians' learn and unlearn Australia’s past, to work towards a better future.
Talking all things ACCESS, JUSTICE, EQUITY and INCLUSION with those in the know and with a story to tell.